Friday, July 11, 2014

We on that new new... except it is actually old.. really old..

You know how you can usually find some busted up piece of furniture on the side of the road with a "free" sign hanging on it? Those free signs are my jam. Free signs may be my second love next to Mr. Craig list. What you can do with a sand block and some paint!!

Well we were driving to get materials for the ottoman, we happened upon a glorious free sign! My roommate that just moved in didn't have a dresser. So obviously this was a perfect situation! The dresser was a little messed up, there was some kid scribbles and some dents here and there, but we went with it anyways.

So we went to michaels and picked up some spray paint stupidly we thought two cans a of spray paint would be enough....

Obviously we were wrong, and it looked like tottallllll crappppp. In hindsight I think we should have just gotten a red stain, that probably would have looked pretty great. But instead we went to lowes and got a tiny can of baha blast tacobell paint.

It took two coats of paint to cover up our spray paint mess up and to cover up the kid scribbles.

Gabe wanted to add some hawiian flowers to the dresser but didnt time for it before we moved in. Ideally we should ahve sanded down the dresser and cleaned it up a little better before painting as well.

So for $25, this free dresser got a brand new life instead of being used as fire wood! I think it looks pretty great and it is proof that a can of paint can do almost anything!
Evangeline wrapped up like a baby.

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